thank you

Photograph by Ben Reich
Alongside our sponsors we would also like to extend our thanks to our colleagues, staff, workers, friends and relatives who helped us on our journey.
We wouldn’t have made it without you...
A list of many but no means exhaustive... our special thanks to those who worked with us behind the scenes and contributed from afar, Benjamin Reich, the Kilomet 109 production team, Trần Hồng Quân, Lê Hiếu, “Mr Cuong”, Nguyễn Bích Đào, Giang Nguyễn, Tăng Hoàng Linh, Leá Delescluse, Benoit Delescluse, Fabiola Büchele, Danny Whitehead, Đoàn Kỳ Thanh, Rochelle Leedham, William Green, Nguyễn Huy, Hoàng Nghiêm, Christine Driscoll, Luke Driscoll, Jo Driscoll, David Thomas, Craig Madden, Nicolas Moser, Laurence Savy, Tram Vu and the Manzi team,
all of our ‘Go Fund Me’ sponsors and private donors who dug deep in the name of art.
Thank you